Personal Profile

Gabriel Aurel Popa
Portland, Dorset
07564971860 | |
Visual Artist at Unisphere MEDIA
Director of Operations and Creative Services at Herisphera- Documentary
Former Brand development, communications and visual at European Drinks
Studied at University of Suffolk-Architecture
Studied at University of Bucharest-Geography, Ecology, G.I.S.
Studied at University of Oradea- Visual Arts
National Museum of Oradea- art collections restoration/conservation
External links/ Portfolio
Photography :
3D modelling:
A multi-skilled, enthusiastic and efficient technical support as a GIS/cartography specialist, Environmental monitoring, and database administrator with proven experience in various conservation and restoration projects.
Currently seeking a creative position in graphic design, 3d modelling and visualization, architecture and interiors
design, product design, museum collections art restoration, media photography/film documentaries
IT Skills: AutoCAD certified, Autodesk, Windows and Linux networks and servers system admin.
Technical Skills: woodworking, interior design, furniture design, specialized in metal processing, industrial installations
and machines manufacture of components, proficient in REVIT, Auto CAD, Autodesk Studio Max, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe Photoshop, In Design, read/edit/work with technical plans and documentation
Creative Skills: Advanced in metalworking and woodworking, Art and Historical Architecture restoration, graphic
design, 3d modelling, media production, documentaries, photography
Scientific Skills: participant in the scientific session, Biosphere - Invincible Argumentum" with the work "Management
of the protected areas in Apuseni Mountains". International Heritage conference presentation – Trieste, Ferrara, Italy
Emergency response centre- Mobile Covid Test Laboratory, HALES Group,
Responsibilities: Laboratory Admin Jan 2021- Mar 2021
Granary Yacht Harbor, Restoration, Self-employed 18/10/2016 – currently working
Responsibilities: yachts interior design and refurbishment, furniture, fitter, decorator
RSPB, Minsmere Natural Reserve Westleton, Maintenance Personnel Oct 2016 – Jan 2017
Responsibilities: Visitors/Customer support, facilities maintenance
IBERDROLA- ROADBRIDGE, Plant Operator Apr 2017 – Aug 2017
Responsibilities: Archaeological excavations
HATCHER COMPONENTS Apr 2016 – Apr 2017
fibreglass automotive components- design and manufacturing
Employment History – Europe
Synton European Association, Romanian Cultural Institute, Oradea City Council,
Responsibilities: Project Officer Jun 2010 – Dec 2013
Responsibilities: assisting UNESCO specialists, I did heritage architecture inventory and survey, photogrammetry, virtual
3d reconstruction designed a virtualisation platform and new web development platform dedicated to the heritage
conservation projects in Romania; Coauthoring a book – City of Oradea – The heritage architectural guide
documentaries, photography, image processing, 3d architectural modelling, web design, illustration, prepress,
promotional services.
International Heritage conference presentation – Trieste, Ferrara, Italy.
Transylvanian General Import Export Holding,
Product Designer Aug 2003 – Mar 2005
Responsibilities: Designer in the Brand Development department I was responsible for brand identity and product
packaging, and labels. Main tasks: graphic design,3d modelling, photography. Handled design management and pre-press.
SC Inform Media, Photojournalist Jun 2004 – Nov 2005
Responsibilities: Editing work: image processing, illustrating a daily Romanian newspaper;
S.C Trei G, System Administrator Jan 2002 – July 2003
Responsibilities: Held an IT position in a very large company involved in international food trading, warehousing, and a
chain of shops in the Oradea area. The specific activity was related to offering IT support for entire commercial and
financial data management.
Green Cross Romania, Project Manager/Ecologist 1994 - 2000
Responsibilities: Established GCR association Romanian environmental non-profit. Managerial tasks included building the organization from the ground up, providing leadership, setting up an office, and hiring staff and consultants. Technical tasks
included fundraising, developing, and implementing sustainability projects funded by the EU.
ï‚· Partnered with The Ministry of Waters, Woods and Environmental Protection, and The British Conservation
Council, in setting up the management plan for the Apuseni (Western Carpathians) Mountains National Park
ï‚· Personal contributions to the new Protected Areas Law, part of the new instruments set, are meant to provide a legal framework before implementing the conservation plan according to the sustainable development concept.
ï‚· Co-authored the study "Chrome pollution of Brooke Dezna, Arad" in partnership with the National Environmental Protection Agency.
ï‚· Consultant within GEODE , a project developed by Natural History Society
ï‚·with the United States Agency for International Development(USAID) support.
ï‚· ECOSFERA – environmental protection magazine, editor, 1999
The University of Plymouth, Cornwall College - MSc Level 7 2021 - 2022
Environmental Survey and Ecological Restoration
The University of Suffolk, School of Architecture 2018 - 2019
University of Bucharest, Environmental Sciences, BSc in Ecology - Level 6 1990 - 1995
UNESCO, HERISCAPE Heritage & Landscape, Training &Consulting, Strada Maggiore, 15 40125 Bologna (Italy)
University of Oradea, Visual Arts Faculty, Museum Art collections-Art furniture - Restoration department 2000 – 2004
National College M. Eminescu - Geography Class, 1978 - 1980
High School, 1980-1982
Teodor Radu Pantea
PhD, EFIAP/silver, EH.ISF, PSA***(CPID)
University of Oradea, Visual Arts dep.
Bd. Dacia 24B, bl. D61, ap. 10, Mobile: 004 0731 314074
Tel.: 004 0359 401310 (Home)
Fax.: 004 0259 476818 (Office)
Andreas Brodt
Cofondateur, télépilote professionnel·June 5, 2018 to present·Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone: 0041797536460
Marius Bozgan
Enterprise Project Manager & Market Analysis Team Manager·August 2, 2018 to present·Berkeley,
Dan Constantin Petruc
+1 847-714-3144
Sivilla Alexandre
Address Four a Chaux -3 chemin du Compagnon – 30900
Nimes Telephone 0689573964
In what context does this referee know you?
Teacher: Historical Facades restoration master class
Daniele Pini
Professore ordinario presso Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara
Address : Via della Ghiara 36
44100 - Ferrara
Telefono dell'Ufficio : 0532
293637 E-mail :
Web :
In what context does this referee know you?
Professor, Herisphera project Oradea, Romania - GIS master class
FILIPPO BOSCHI master Urban Design
ph.d Address : Strada Maggiore, 15 40125 –
Bologna – Italy Tel/ fax : + 39 o51 220843
Email :
In what context does this referee know you?
Teacher: GIS master class
Prof. Dr Aurel Chiriac
director of National Cris Country Museum Oradea
Address Bv. Dacia 1-3
Telephone: 0040259412724,
Fax: 0040259479918
In what context does this referee know you?
University professor, director of the museum, art restoration and conservation department