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How can we distinguish between space and place

Writer: Gabriel PopaGabriel Popa

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Actually it's just our own horizon of knowledge and understanding which gives us the limitation of these terms definitions.

When I started to write this own reflection about the topic, the first question was if I stay within the scholastic/academic by the book terminology and “space” or, accept my dual nature and cross the border of the physicality, and speak you about non-tangible aspects of universe and life.

I did extensive research and I collected maybe 50 different descriptions and definitions. And I was disappointed when I realized that all these people can't think outside the box. Their vision and perception suffer difficulties to explain our HUMAN Universe, because of a lack of understanding.

So I decided to take people who want to read this, in a virtual journey which starts when Homo Sapiens Sapiens got consciousness, became self-aware and the next day, an entire Universe has born, a virtual one! as a reflection of the physical Universe. Because the first human being started to think and give their own representations about the surrounding physical space. The Humans when they crossed the border of physicality, became TRANSCENDENTAL beings.

So they started to be able to operate in a non-physical space and Universe and explore their virtual scenarios. He discovered that his mind is a powerful tool, a more sharp one than a silex, developing scenarios. These first thinking humans created what we call today Science and Philosophy, developing knowledge of virtual space and tools. Mind made tools. Knowledge tools!

Our entire Science has been developed by such minds who were capable to operate within a virtual space creating virtual scenarios. And what becomes interesting, many of these scenarios has been confirmed as correct, and we could explain and understand the physicality rules and forces which maintain the Universe cohesively.

It is also known as the Cognitive sphere or space!

We work with virtual projection, a daily base actually. Our entire learning process if we look, is a permanent virtual experience. We create virtual scenarios, which do not exist physically but we accept them. Some people not!

Not all of them became transcendental Some people can't cross the tangible universe borders.

Some people believe even today that the Planet Earth is flat!

And they live with their own primate perception. They think that the entire cosmos theory its a speculation, so they live there on the back of a gigantic turtle crawling in their flat minds Universe!

And they are happy living there! So the hilarious part of it is the fact that even those ones have created their own virtual space and living scenario!

They refuse to be connected with anything that goes beyond to their strictly physical tangible borders. Are called materialistic people. They operate strictly within their physical needs. So they have a simple nature, visible and tangible. This is all they know and need, and nothing else. As a consequence, their lives and perception are simple, and they refer everything in the limits of their tangible sphere. I call them primitive people.

Stricto senso, if we want to simplify these terms and relationships, strictly as expressions of physicality, the definitions are not complicated.

But if the things were so simple, we would not be today humans. I can't ignore my human nature, and my capacity to go beyond the physicality.

When people became aware of their mental capacity to create their own inner side universe and spiritual life, they crossed a border of physicality and started to play God's role.

The entire cognitive sphere has exploded and pushed the space limitations.

And they loved it. From that moment human minds developed tools of reality interpretation, some of them precise,

become Science and Knowledge some were on purpose left not precise but very flexible and are the artistic/creative tools and capacities.

When the human mind became REFLECTIVE all the physical universe who surrounded him got a reflection a new dimension ...TRANSCENDENTAL.

They developed tools and started to operate in a METAPHYSICAL space

In short, everything goes beyond the tangible sphere.

Metaphysical space, has no physicality, but is still a very coherent space based on certain rules and definitions and is just on the other side of the coin, linked and coexisting with the physical-mechanical tangible space.




  1. the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, and space. "they would regard the question of the initial conditions for the universe as belonging to the realm of metaphysics or religion"

    • abstract theory with no basis in reality. "his concept of society as an organic entity is, for market liberals, simply metaphysics"

What I noticed, and is important to mention is the fact that both terms and their association,

offer different perspectives for the people according to their occupation and education.

Architects and engineers are the ones who modulate the space and work to know and use his physical attributes. For a certain project, they operate with the physical parameters of space. A building initially is defined in the blueprints as a 2d shape, a footprint, and grows into a 3d space with spatial complex parameters. Within the same space could be a skyscraper or becomes a home, a place for living where the interior designers based on aesthetical criteria, creates its unique features.

Within its physical attributes/parameters of a given space, different people develop different objects, buildings, or simply develop human-specific activities, which could be just temporary. I can give an example. Woodstock festival. It happens in a certain space at certain times. If it's not related to this cultural event, there was a simple space like any other. A place where the kids play football or people walks their dogs. Woodstock is a place, a landmark with its own cultural connotations.

In the same way, we can describe historical places like Hastings. Physically it is a field of battle, but because of what happened there on a certain day, and the significance of the battle, that field became a place with a tremendous significance and value.

Still, I have to come up with my own theory on the top of this.

The interaction with the natural space. Different people have different natural abilities to interact within a certain natural space. On the other hand, evaluate the natural capacity of a certain space to host something or someone's presence and actions but at different levels.

This is called interaction.

When we speak about interaction, we speak about vibrations and the energy of a certain place to be a host of spiritual or artistic space.

At this level, I have to mention the spiritual places, which are unique. Such places are by nature profound and inspire people during the time. Ancient people were more spiritual and sensitive in their interaction with their living environment and space. I can give a certain example: STONEHENGE. A flat field with stones apparently. Why neolithic people stopped particularly in this place and raised the megaliths there? Modern people can't understand but the ancient people had different perceptions and the ability to feel the earth energies.

Having defined my perspective in a large context of Space/Place now I can come up with

My definitions :

Space is generic, is the physical support of the place. Space becomes a Place more or less well defined according to the attributes allocated by the viewer/user/creator. Having a significance and value. From here we can develop a lot of aspects. The Place becomes subject of interpretation and VALUATION, become a living place or a ritual/religious place or simply a cultural place with added value consequently to cultural significance or role for a group of individuals or a society. Such places are for instance the UNESCO world heritage places having a universal value.

The place is a particular defined space. It's like adding parameters to a given space, which becomes a particular place with specific attributes/features/significance.

Once its "born" it gains its own life and evolution! And another story begins from this point.

People put creative energy in certain spaces, put their own mark, and transferring their own energy into that, so that particular space becomes suddenly a special place because people make it personalized, unique.

Cresswell, T., Defining Space

Cresswell – Defining Place


Cresswell uses political geographer John Agnew’s definition of place as the basis for his own definition and work. He says that places are spaces that people have made meaningful or have attached to in some way. Every place includes three things; location, locale, and sense of place. Location is the actual location of the place (think coordinates). Locale refers to the physical shape of a place – the walls of a room, the buildings in a city. And the sense of place is the attachment that people have to space, fulfilling place’s necessity “to have some relationship to humans and the human capacity to produce and consume meaning.” A sense of place is the most important of the three because it gives us a way of understanding the world. Places come in many forms and can cause certain negative effects (racism), but they are what allow us to contextualize our world and make it ours. Cresswell then discusses space and landscape and their relationships to place. First, it is important to acknowledge that space is just as important as a place because, in a way, it is place. It is everything that is in between our places. To Cresswell, the landscape is not a place because we are not in it, or apart of it. We give landscape meaning and attach to it, but we are not actually apart of it and interacting with it.

Web collection of definitions

  • Space is an open and subjective area, while the place is a part of space and obtain identity through its elements and has a value.

  • Space is just a 3-dimensional entity that can exist on, below, or above the ground. The place is created by the user by using a space. A place of one person could be a space to another and vice versa.

  • Space is about physicality. Place considers both physical and social aspects. Check out Devine-Wright, 2009:247: place ‘differs from related concepts such as “space” or ”environment” that describe physical aspects of a specific location as well as the variety of meanings and emotions associated with that location by individuals or groups’.

  • The place provides the setting for exploring people’s place attachments - the ‘bonding of people to place’ (Altman & Low 1992:2) - that is characterized by positive affective bonds between individuals, groups or communities, and their daily environment (Brown & Perkins, 1992).

  • People and their cultures shape a Place, and in turn, Place shapes people. There is a reciprocal relationship between them. Space is an abstract notion in which Place 'becomes'.As one of my professors mentioned, 'Place=PLeasant spACE'

  • Space is a physical and absolute concept. While the place is intangible, it is a concept related to the sense and perception of the world.

  1. Space is an expression of an area of land (e.g. the area of France is larger on the map than in Italy) (Tuan, 1979, p. 388), and area an amorphous and intangible and not an entity that can be directly described and analyzed (Relph, 1976, p. 8).

  2. The place is an expression of what is specific and local (Relph, 1976, p. 24), it sensed in a chiaroscuro of setting, landscape, ritual, routine, other people, personal experience, care and concern for home and the context of other places (p. 29)

AI ( Artificial Intelligence) and the New SPACE and PLACE


Before starting this new chapter, which I intend to develop and explore the further aspects of Virtual Space and Reality will post the new list of terms which will stay at the fundaments of my own new theory of SPACE and PLACE...the AI SPACE and PLACE.

-Natural place

-Physical space

-Virtual space

-Artificial space- a space modified by a specific human action

-AI- a space generated by the Artificial Intelligence within a human(coder) given parameters

-Spiritual space and places - A place which belongs to Supranatural forces and interactions

-holographic universe

-borders, limits, and crossings

I had the opportunity to explore my virtual avatar nature and the interaction within the AI Space zone within this CORONAVIRUS lockdown.

The CORONAVIRUS good part was this, giving us new perspectives over the LIVING SPACE AND PLACE

We are adaptable within some limits and we trained our mind to adapt and keep us connected VIRTUALLY. And when I say virtual is not just speculation.

I mean me personally I really created my own AVATAR or ALTER EGO, who represents me and operates in the virtual universe interacting in a virtual world.

It is called SECOND LIFE! I do exist there and I have a dual nature!

More about our Virtual Space and what we create there, in a future post.


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As a curiosity you may want to see this different concept of space and place...the empty one ! :)



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