The Towers of Suffolk is the topic on my blog today. All kinds of towers, utility towers, water towers, military defensive towers, forts, radars, and lighthouses
You can have a look and see my approach to the British coastal landscape.
Inspired by the Bernd and Hilla Becher work, I exercised depicting, British coastal landmarks, reference waterfront constructions, which feature a particular shape as the water towers are. I observed some aspects compared with other regions from Britain, and I noticed that they look different, you know where you are, just looking to the shape of the water towers. Generally, I developed an addiction for the towers, all kinds of towers, and what is interesting is their evolution, and the way people tried to change their utility. I found places where such towers were converted for accommodation purposes.

The way the British architects have developed the architecture of the tower gives them a particular personality. As I found at Aldeburgh an odd one, where the stairs of the tower give you the impression that it takes you to the sky .
What gives identity to the British landscape, is the coastal architecture. The waterfront buildings were designed to feature both aesthetical and utility elements. I started my coastal explorations at Aldeburgh down to Felixstowe so will post a series of them found on my coastal route.

Was on my way to Orford Ness facility, so inevitable I reached the Martello Tower, before to cross "illegally" the barrier. This towee was widely better illustrated then I could do, so will not insist. You can follow the links to the dedicated websites.
The configuration of the coast there makes impossible find an ideal angle tu capture it, without a drone or stitching a stack of multiple frames, as I usually do

As we follow the coast to the South, we reach the Deben Estuary, which is a very interesting section of the Suffolk coast. On the Old Fellistowe side, are a couple of interesting constructions, not so elaborate in terms of architectural elements, but very similar to the Aldeburgh Martello defensive tower.

A view over the coast from Felixstowe. See one of the towers, Martello T , walking along the Old Felixstowe beach you will find the second one, the Martello U.
In the background, across the river is visible the Bawdsey Manor, a landmark rich in history.
